Upstream GCP Self-Signed JWT
CAUTION: This policy only works with certain Google APIs. In most cases, the Upstream GCP Service Auth should be used.
This policy adds a JWT token to the headers, ready for us in an outgoing request
when calling a GCP service (e.g. Cloud Endpoints / ESPv2). We recommend reading
the serviceAccountJson
from environment variables (so it is not checked in to
source control) using the $env(ENV_VAR)
"name": "my-upstream-gcp-jwt-inbound-policy",
"policyType": "upstream-gcp-jwt-inbound",
"handler": {
"export": "UpstreamGcpJwtInboundPolicy",
"module": "$import(@zuplo/runtime)",
"options": {
"audience": "your_gcp_service.endpoint.com",
"serviceAccountJson": "$env(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON)"
the name of your policy instance. This is used as a reference in your routes.policyType
the identifier of the policy. This is used by the Zuplo UI. Value should beupstream-gcp-jwt-inbound
The name of the exported type. Value should beUpstreamGcpJwtInboundPolicy
the module containing the policy. Value should be$import(@zuplo/runtime)
The options for this policy:audience
The audience for the minted JWT. Refer to https://cloud.google.com/endpoints/docs/grpc-service-config/reference/rpc/google.api#google.api.AuthRequirement.
The Google Service Account key in JSON format. Note you can load this from environment variables using the $env(ENV_VAR) syntax.